This jam is now over. It ran from 2019-12-28 07:00:00 to 2020-01-05 00:30:00. View results
Go here to sign up!
Who can Enter? YOU (and literally all human beings)
How will My Game Be Judged? Games will be Judged by the following categories:
Everyone can judge games.
People can also give your game an overall rating
How Much Effort Should I put in? However much you want. This is supposed to be a casual jam, so I'd point you in the direction of just working on the game in your free time, but that's just me.
Are there any prizes? Jame developer Lucas Molina is giving away a copy of his game, Historia Realis, to the winner of the jam as well as a copy of his game Painter's Guild to the second place contestant and Rougemance to the third place contestant. Thanks Lucas!
Why Should I Join? It would make me happy.
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