This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-08-21 12:00:00 to 2024-09-15 09:58:24. View results

Hokocafe Game Jam Information Board

Welcome to the Hokocafe Game Jam!

Hi everyone, I'm pretty much saying the same thing I said on the JamPost, but this is my first attempt at hosting a jam and I really hope it goes well.

Competition Details

This is a competitive jam with cash prizes through PayPal, Revolut, or gift cards for the winners.

1st Place: $100

2nd Place: $30

3rd Place: $15

Personal Favorite: $50


This jam is open to anyone with any level of experience.

You may think you have no hope of winning, but remember there's a special category for my personal favorite!

Live Streaming and Feedback

I will be live streaming all the games, if possible, and giving feedback on them afterwards on my Twitch channel A follow is greatly appreciated.

Try to make your game about 10-15 minutes in playtime. I will go over it more in-depth for another 10-15 minutes.

Winners will have the opportunity to be on call live and have an interview about their thought process and current projects.


Cat Cafe!

You may think I'm supposed to give you the theme after the jam starts, but in this first week, I want to give you the freedom to plan and get motivated.

If you start developing now, I can't physically stop you, but in the interest of a fair playing field, I hope you don't. :)

Feel free to add your own twist to the theme, whether it's horror, a tycoon, or anything else creative. As long as it retains the basic theme of a cat cafe, you won't lose any points for being creative!

Community and Support

Join the Discord server for any questions and community support: I know it's empty right now, but yes, this is real and yes, it's the right server. Please don't get discouraged if there are only a few contestants.

Woooo, I think that's everything! Start working on your cafes so I can come and sit down, please!

Happy developing and good luck to everyone!


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Strategy and time management
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An unusal monster... cat cafe? What's going on here?
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Cat Gelato Cafe
Game in Unity for Cat cafe jam!
Use your cat_cafe to **RESCUE** felines from the <||BRAINOBOTS||=<|
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Game Developed for Cat cafe jam!
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Role Playing
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