This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-09-30 22:00:00 to 2023-10-15 22:00:00. View results


Emotional Game Jam

Welcome to Honor the Dear!

The goal of this game jam is to make immersive and touching experiences. If you can manage to make people drop tears because emotion with your storytelling, this game jam is for you.

The stories can be inspired by the day of the dead (honor the dead), but it's not required. As long as you can touch the heart of people with your game, you will be fine.


  • Any topic is valid but you must focus in storytelling, as the most important feature is that you can create a touching experience
  • Any engine is valid, and the game can be as long as you wish but try to keep it short to make it easier in voting process
  • You must start working in the game when the game jam officially starts, but you can reuse assets and start brainstorming and planning when you wish


Pay attention to the criteria for voting because this is how your game should stand!

  • Emotion: did the game make you care about the characters, feel touched or drop tears?
  • Ambience: you made a terror story? love story? was the ambience immersive enough?
  • Story: how good was the story? will you remember it?
  • Gameplay: was the game user friendly? frustrating? fluid?
  • Sound: how was the music and sound effects?


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Browser playable (1)
Windows (2)

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You find yourself trapped in a desolate city with Yuri, a person whom you are not familiar with.
Get as many belly scratches as you can!
For Emotional Jam 2023
Play in browser