This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-12-13 21:45:12 to 2024-12-23 04:59:59. View 13 entries
This is where you guys are handing in your Final projects. Go to the linked assignment brief in the Notion for specifics.
This will be graded separate from your GDDs. If you are handing in a group project, one person can hand in the project, and you can add your partners as collaborators on your itch page. Remember you need at least one full working mechanic and please check for game breaking bugs!
For uploading anything Unity related here you can watch this short video: How to upload a Unity WebGL to Itch - You need to have the WebGL module in your Unity version to make this type of build so it is able to play in the browser! - If the viewport looks weird in the browser just play around with the port size settings in the place the video showed to better adjust to how you want your game to look on your page.
If you are having submission issues for any reason, reach out to me (if its not too late at night), or just make a Zip file of a Windows build [watch this for help on that if needed] and just submit that to the Jam for the time being.
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