This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-08-31 22:00:00 to 2022-12-05 23:00:00. View results

Welcome To First Edition of House Race JAM!

Have you ever dreamed about racing in your own room?   Yes?  Me too!  You have 2 weeks to recreate  your room  and make racing tour in it. It can be arcade game like Mario Kart  or  something more advanced/realistic.


1st Place - Grid 2 Steam Global Key

2nd Place - Random Key Steam

3rd Place - Random Key Steam

Judging Criteria:

  • Overall  -  What do you think about it?
  • Technical - How innovative is it from a technical perspective? Does it push the hardware to the limit?
  • Originality - How refreshing is it from a non-technical perspective? Does it have a unique design / mechanics?
  • Graphics  -  How impressive are the art, animation and visual effects? 


What it should include?

It must be racing game which takes place in your room.

Can I work in team?/Can I use assets from Internet?/Can i use assets which was made before jam?

Yes but u have to write about it in your submission.


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Drive! Boost! Collect! Drift! And Launch yourself in this amazing driving game set inside a bedroom!
Made in Unity