This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-07-30 19:00:00 to 2022-08-06 19:00:00. View 13 entries

Your secret optional theme is:

You have 1 week.
Don't make a game.
Make a game trailer for
a game that doesn't exist.

Join the Discord!!


Q: What is this?
A: The game jam for game trailers! 🤩

Q: Why... is this?

  • To work on your crazy game ideas without having to build an entire game.
  • To get better at pitching and communicating and conveying your game ideas.

Q: How do I make my game trailer for a fake game?

  1. Form a team! Or join a team.
  2. Brainstorm game ideas.
  3. Write the script/storyboard.
  4. Compile an animatic.
  5. Make  your assets.
  6. Capture your shots.
  7. Get feedback!
  8. Compile the trailer.
  9. Upload the trailer to Youtube.
  10. Watch the trailer during the final presentations.

Q: What's the creative theme?
A: The creative (and optional theme) is PORTRAIT. You won't be judged for not including the theme.

Q: What qualifies as a game trailer for Hype Jam?

  • The video should be around 30 seconds to 60 seconds.
  • The video should be absolutely no more than 3 minutes.
  • The video should be uploaded to Youtube.
  • The video should try to hype your game idea!
  • The video can be anything from a gameplay reel to a story cinematic to a vlog to a pitch deck.
  • The video can be any aspect ratio, but we encourage a 16:9 ratio for easy sharing.

Q: How do I form a team?
A: Follow the #looking-for-group channel in our Discord! Be sure to share the skills and tools you're most familiar with.

Examples from Previous Hype Jams


This year, the jam is a slow jam! It'll run for a 7 days, from Saturday to Saturday.

Saturday, July 30th: Kickoff Presentations

We start the jam on July 30th, at 12pm PDT (aka UTC-7; see other timezones).

We'll be hosting the kickoff presentations on Discord, where we'll review the rules, share advice, pitch ideas, and form teams. We'll also be announcing the optional secret theme!

Saturday, August 6th: Final Presentations

We end the jam on August 6th, at 1pm PDT (aka UTC-7; see other timezones).

Everyone will upload their game trailers to youtube, which we'll compile into a big video reel. We'll all get together on Twitch, and watch all the game trailers. Our judges will reward accolades to the best submissions.

Judging & Accolades

During the final presentations, our panel of judges will be reviewing the videos, and awarding these accolades. If you win the accolade, you can use it in your game trailer as bragging rights. An honorable mention will also be awarded for each category. If you started the game prior to the jam, you can still share your video in the final presentations, but you won't be eligible for accolades.

Excellence in Conveyance is granted to the game trailers that can effectively communicate their game designs to players. A special consideration is given to the complexity of the game design and the creativity of how it is communicated.

Excellence in Appeal is granted to the game trailers that excel in visuals and audio. A special consideration is given to how the combination of art, music, sound, voice-over, and video editing.

Judge Choice and Audience Choice is granted to the game trailers that make us want the game.


Join the Discord!!

Code of Conduct: We are an inclusive and welcoming community, and abide by the Seattle Indies Code of Conduct.
Adult Content Policy: When publicly showcasing the submitted games during the final presentations, our judges reserve the right to filter out any games that are deemed too mature or adult.


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Submission to HypeJam2022
Its a trailer for a fake game?
A sheltered Christian who, washed into the world alone, meets a werewolf, and realizes he may be one too
Breed raptors! Raise raptors! DRIFT RAPTORS!
are you in the way?