This jam is now over. It ran from 2019-08-26 10:00:00 to 2019-08-28 22:00:00. View 7 entries

The Owl took the summer off and enjoyed their long-overdue break in the heat. But now it's time for us to get back to work, and to ease our way back to our desks that we definitely absolutely haven't spent all our time on, we decided to do a little jam, just between the two of us. But then, who are we to tell you not to jam? So please, feel free and welcome to join us!

The goal is just to have a little fun, dust off our keyboards and get those creative juices flowing. As such, there's no rules, no restrictions, no awards, no pressure. Just make a game in 60h* and publish the results.

What about the theme, you ask? Really only one thing that makes sense for a delightful little jam like this:

Existential Anxiety

Happy jamming!

*What do you mean, 48h? We never said that! And we certainly didn't just add 12h because we wanted to go to sleep! How very dare you accuse us of that! Anyway, good night!


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W A S D SpaceBar for Movement R for Restart Open the index.html datei with Edge to play
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