This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-12-23 20:00:00 to 2023-01-01 20:00:00. View results

Hey there is no way you could participate in a game jam during X-mas right?

No way... You are buying presents, having family feasts, listening to grandmams,  oversleep, get drunk, and celebrate new year... How the he** are you supposed to finish something?

Well that is the trick, this game jam aims at people who have no time at all... The goal is to create the smallest game in as little time as possible. This jams goal is to create a game during the (at least for me) most stresfull time during the year. In order for small games to win, I tried to add some criterias which support this idea.

I would love to particpate in a game jam with you.

Theme / topic:
The topic for this jam will be: A LITTLE BIT OF CHRISTMAS


Who can participate?

  • anyone, even if this is your first game jam ;-)
  • I would just love to see people who vote and comment fair


All submitted games will be rated for the following 4 criteria which should encourage you to create a simple small project, huge games will actually be on a disadvantage.

  1. (primary) tinyness, (the smallest games get the highest scores)
  2. fun
  3. simpleness
  4. cuteness


  • You are allowed to use snippets and assets which you created before the jam. But please add it to the description if you do so
  • Any engine / framework are allowed, keep in mind that games which can be played in the browser get a lot more attention
  • Please make sure that you own the rights of all of your assets / are allowed to use them (this includes music / art / sfx and so on.

Who am I?
I am a hobby and indie game dev, publishing games since 2020. Most of them during game jams. find out more about me here: or on my site.


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Browser playable (5)
Windows (6)
macOS (3)
Linux (3)

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Keep the snow away!
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X-Mas-stress-jam entry!
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small christmas game
Train to become Santa's little delivery helper!
A simple game about collecting presents and avoiding obstacles
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Santa is coming...
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