This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-09-06 10:00:00 to 2021-09-20 10:00:00. View 41 entries
Of course!
You can join us on the official MyAppFree Zone server, a lot of friends are already there waiting for you! 🍨
We are happy to welcome you to MyAppFree second game jam on Itch: Ice Cream Jam!
The warm weather of these months and the always-present crave for sweet stuff inspired us to launch a jam all about Ice Creams 🍨
Chocolate, mint, vanilla, strawberry... they are all good for us. But what we want to see are some videogames ice creams!
Are you a gelato aficionado as well? Show us some in-game ice creams and win this sweet competition.
Yep! They can be anywhere in your game:
We are thrilled to have the Italian YouTuber and Twitch Streamer Christian Pulieri as official host and partner of this sweet jam!
He will play your games on his channels, have some awesome dev runs with us and help us rate all of your amazing creations.
So, what are you waiting for? Join us and submit an ice-creamy title to be part of this great party!
There are $$$ prizes in adv credit on our platform, that you can use to drive new installs on your mobile apps and games.
The top winner will get 300$ in credit, while everyone who will submit at least one eligible game will get 100$ credit!
We've DOUBLED all the prizes to celebrate the arrival of Christian Pulieri! 🙌
So don't be shy and join us, there are a lot of prizes to catch!
This is a ranked jam open to public votes. The ranking criteria are:
While ranking is the main factor to win the jam, our two beloved judges will take the freedom to add their opinion in the final voting, which can overturn the situation 🥴
Here are the beloved judges
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