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Runner RandView game page

Runner Rand must run run run to make it to the Lighthouse.
Submitted by Mister Jay the Game Maker (@JaySHarrison) — 6 days, 9 hours before the deadline
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Ranked 114th with 1 vote

People's Choice Vote#1141

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous.

  • Theme 

    The game is a simple “puzzle-esque obstacle” game? A not-really-a-runner type of game as you can pause mid walk instead of constant forward momentum. There’s really nothing else to say.


    From my understanding, a runner should be constantly on a move as you try to evade obstacles, instead you have complete control when you are going forward and take your time. It’s just a weird name but other than that, the meat of the game has a ton of issues:

    • The grid-based movement and collision detection is poorly fit for this game.
    • It’s hard to tell if something is hit or affected. One moment, I’d be near the spikes and receive no point damage, the next I have 0 points out of nowhere and failed the 2nd to the last level. It’s just not very good. The other time I would be slamming to hearts (and the one with white) and see no change in my point value despite promised extra points. On some obstacles you can go down but for some reason, a tree in 2nd I can’t go down? It’s just really whack! Most, if not all, of the obstacles can be won by just staying south.
    • For a game that encourages speed, I’d say you can’t abuse the double to triple points on the circle or get the extra points without going slow.
    • It’s pretty much easy despite this.


    The presentation is very barebones. Graphically they are OK, however the way the tutorials are laid out is less to be desired. For example, Runner Rand blocking the text on the beginning. The design is also really underwhelming for the stages. The music is also too repetitive for my taste.


    I played it twice to properly sort an opinion it. But other than that, it was pretty much like a mindless mobile game for me with frustrating controls and boring level design.

    Total – 40/80


Team Members
MinisterJay of JABHA Creativity

RPG Maker MV

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Hey MinisterJay!
That was definitely something different and fun to play!
Nice use of the mechanics in a surprising way and I loved that Rand is ALWAYS cheerful :D
Stay funky,


Thanks Dezue,

Every now and then, I like to try to make something different than the traditional RPG genre.



A game jam is the best time to do something different


I just played and thought the concept of making a platformer on RPG Maker was pretty cool too! I tried, but couldn't get the map to feel right for the game. I think you've done a greater job than me at accomplishing that, but feel like there could have been more challenge(like having Rand constantly run, rather than being still). I feel like you can try making something in Flash or another program to more closely resemble the controls you're looking for. Other than that, I think the game has a nice idea that can be expanded much further.

As another contender, I would like for you to try playing my game too! Any comments on what to improve are welcome. Have a great day!


Thank you, RAMADORG, for this sincere critique.  The effect I really wanted to get was having Rand stay on the left side, and have the events and parallax map move towards him, needing to use only the up and down arrows, and eliminating the right arrow.  I agree, having him constantly running would have made the game much much better.


It reminded me a lot like the effect Rayman Legends would have in its music sequences. A platformer that expected you to react quickly to new events approaching. I'm a big fan of those kinds of games, so I appreciated this and played to the very end. After the winning screen though, I'm sent to the final map again without mobility. I thought there would have been more of a "congrats", but still had fun during the process.

Developer (2 edits)

I will fix that end of game event, and up date the game, after the judging period is over.  After the final score, it was suppose to have a short 120 frame wait, and then return to title screen.  I almost put in some bonus rounds, and that would have extended game play, and offer more points to be added to final score.  Thanks again for the constructive review.