Short but sweet, a charming game with plenty of atmosphere despite its brevity and simplicity. The simple puzzles added variety and interactivity to what's basically a kinetic novel and the world is intriguing despite only being glimpsed. The prologue and epilogue created a fairytale feel which made the compressed storyline less jarring: While it felt odd for Ian be so immediately invested in Adrian (Adrian's feelings for Ian felt more natural, given his prior isolation and loneliness) it was perfectly in line with a classic Grimm Brothers-style narrative.
It may seem odd, but my favorite part was the capsule for the sacrifice; the implied remnants of the previous sacrifice felt like a wonderful indication of what the greater world might be like. Ian and Adrian are likable, Ian in particular being endearingly sweet, and I thought it was a fun, interesting coincidence (?) that the characters were IAN, adrIAN and marIANne. I'd love to see more adventures of Ian and Adrian or further games set in this world, but barring that I enjoyed this foray into the Clocktower!
Great story and characters, aside from a crash here and there a excellent experience.