My critique (sry if I'm a little too direct)
1. Fun: You added a little bit of juice (more than most in this jam) but it felt a little weak. When I swing the sword and hit a candy corn, I want to FEEL it. I have to credit you to the little juice you added, but the game didn't feel smooth to play. The sword swing felt a little slow and the candy corn seemed a little static.
2. The art style is amazing! I was drawn to this game from the start. Of all the games I've judged so far, this is the best looking. This is obviously your forte so keep it up!
3. You actually added sound, but it was just average.
4. The concept is great, you just needed to push it a little farther. I want enemies that actually feel challenging and more types of enemies. I didn't feel challenged...
Overall, this is a great game for 2 weeks. and phenomenal for a first game! Keep it up!
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