Great thing about using the same engine, I can give you more detail feedback. YAY!
I love how smooth your movement for your characters are, that is something struggle very much with. In battle when you are using item/skills your help window is beautiful, but either adjust the generated text to the right or put help background text to the right so that it not hard to read both. I cannot tell if it is your font but some text look like it missing spaces such as the description for the quest "Searching for Sinclair". In the armor shop, you have 3 items that the database doesn't have a reference to. Also, I love the light glow for the item shop doorway, it helps not only tell me where my character enter but also where the exit is, if you could add that to the other doorways that would be great. The gate collision for Northern Willow is also missing, the edges of the gate are passable. It appears a lot of your map transitions are single events instead of a series events, this can make it harder for the player to know if they are at a wall or transfer point. With the password in the kitchen, it would be nice to have a balloon appear to indicate who said they could help with that. And the person who does help, if you pay the 300 , she seems to only give you the first number and then stops talking.
The mapping is great, and I feel like the story is going to be amazing as more is written. If you want more feedback, I am willing to provide.
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