Face enemies, solve puzzles and escape the Skull Kingdom. Enfrente inimigos, resolva puzzles e escape do Reino Caveira. CONTROLES: D-PAD: Move Z: atack X: sub-iten SHIFT: select item
You are a hero in LEGO-Land. Fight enemies and find treasures! There is a town to buy better weapons and armor, a temple to heal - and a dungeon! Control: Mouse
Reach the exit Click on buttons to do action (Had no time to finish the game sorry) Music: "The Lift" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
A game about circles who subdivide in two after you click on them This game was improved on the Improve My Game Jam 29 Correct the objects speed Correct the game resolution Add collectables for heath, max health e slowdown Improve the UI sh...
Billions of years into the future, the sun begins its expansion into a red giant, endlessly consuming. - explore the remnants of Earth, its Moon, and Mars in their final moments - discover the incomprehensible, defunct remains of man-made o...