This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-11-16 01:00:00 to 2024-12-03 03:00:00. View results

Impressions Composing Jam: 

Imagination #2


Welcome to the second Impressions Original Imagination Jam! This jam is intended to push the limits of your imagination.

This jam will run from  Friday, November 15, 7 PM Central, to Sunday, December 1st , 8 pm Central. Voting Will end on Sunday, December 8, at 8 pm  Central. See above for the times in your local time zone.


Compose in any genre you'd like. This time around, I am going to double the rating fields for creativity.

The voting period will be one week, unless more time is needed for unforeseen circumstances. There will be no extension on the time you have to compose the music.

Submit a minimum of 1 minute of music. 

Don't use music from jams that ended before this jam begins. You may use music that you compose for jams that run concurrently with and/or end before this jam.

Submit one or more tracks.

Attach a screenshot of your DAW, or if you aren't using a DAW, use the system you provided.

Submit only original content.

***Do not use AI to produce any part your submission.***

Theme: The Far Reaches

Artwork: Katsushika Hokusai, The Amida Falls in the Far Reaches of the Kisokaidō Road, c. 1832

Theme: The Far Reaches

Write as the theme inspires you. 

This jam will be weighted towards creativity and imagination (see voting ratings - Overall Uniqueness/Creativity will be listed twice). 

You may write as if you are writing for a game if you wish, but it is not necessary.

Rating Categories

Overall Uniqueness/Creativity - did you feel like what you heard was fairly unlike other things you've heard before? This field will be listed TWICE. This gives more weight to this category, as well as more precision in how you rate it.

Composing Quality - Is it well composed, despite perhaps being mixed in a mediocre way? Please keep in mind that complexity does not innately make a composition better, and sometimes makes compositions too busy.

Listenability - This is the "sanity check" of music. Music can be intriguing, unique, or interesting, but you just don't want that sound in your ears anymore for some reason you can't quite place, and you know it isn't just that the genre is outside of your taste.

Execution - Is it well mixed? Does everything sound well balanced? How is the stereo imaging, reverb, etc? How well is the music articulated? Are there good dynamics, good balance of rhythm, rubato, crescendo, etc.?

Correlation to Theme - How well does the composer use musical language to create an atmosphere that speaks to the theme?  Was the track actually appropriate for ambience and atmosphere?

Submission Checklist

  • 1 minute of music from a chosen project, uploaded to your project page, uploaded as an MP3, WAV, or similar. Submit as many tracks as you'd like.
  • Screenshot of DAW.
  • Link to a streaming service.

If you are submitting close to the deadline, just worry about uploading your music to the project page. You can add in the streaming service later.

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An Ambient & Cinematic soundtrack
That cliff is as far as our world goes.
The "music" of Damn Daniel and his far reaches
two contrasting musical foundations that capture the essence of the infinite horizon.
Submission to the Jam : The far reaches
Roads can lead to many places - only one takes you to the Farthest Reaches!
Um... Time for Impressions Composing Jam: Imagination #2!
Three takes on a theme
Some people will never see the beauty of this world
Imagination Jam 2 - Soundtrack
Too much sauce. He got lost
inspired in the art work "The Amida Falls(...)" by Katsushika Hokusai
impression composing jam 2 submission
Fictional OST inspired by Okami OST and Kenichiro Isoda's music.
We can't see it yet, but let's keep moving forward!
Impressions Composing Jam (Imagination #2) Theme: The Far Reaches
Impressions Composing Jam: Imagination #2 Pompt "The Far Reaches"
Submission for the Impressions Composing Jam: Imagination #2.
Entry for Impressions Composing Jam: Imagination #2 "The Far Reaches"
Submission for the Jam Imagination hosted by KaleOverlord
Impressions Composing Jam: Imagination #2
"Maybe some day... we'll meet again."
Impressions Composing Jam: Imagination 2 Entry
Travel to a faraway land
Impressions Composing Jam: Imagination #2
There's no going back now, so let's go deeper
Project for the Impressions Jam
something ancient piques your curiosity
When one journey ends, another begins past dawn
Submission for Impressions Composing Jam: Imagination #2
My entry to KaleOverlord's Impressions Composer Jam Nov 2024.
explorations in sound design
project for a jam
Track for Impressions #2 submission
Sorry if it's bad, I don't have much experience with music
Going down the waterfall.