I thoroughly enjoyed the design, the game itself was a bit overwhelming to me personally however a fantastic take on the classic turn-based RPG genre.
A unique yet simple idea really turned into a fun and refreshing JRPG-esque experience, however lacking visually, it certainly adds to the simplistic charm of the game.
Still going but loving it so far. Best part is Livius the cat. Second best part is how much effort the dev put in to make this a usability nightmare lol - so many characters with different abilities, damage types, combos, buffs and debuffs, strengths and weaknesses. There's committing to the bit, and then there's 100ish characters worth of committing to the bit.
It's been a long time since the very premise of an RPG has made me smile, but this one had me from the title.
Getting into it, the joy of recruiting party members and using their various abilities feels super cool. This game at no point felt like a playable meme but an absolutely ridiculous idea that had me wanting to finish it from the first time I started it up. Definitely a personal favorite of mine now.
even if I have never experienced half the stuff generated, it still made me remember stuff and enjoy it.
simple and effective