Firstly, I appreciate how clear the creator was about communicating the possibly triggering themes present in this game. The post as well as the game material is very up front about trigger warnings and does a good job at ushering you into the premise fully informed. The rules are simple to pick up and easily understandable whether you're familiar with the system or not. Once I began playing, I had no immersion-breaking moments where I had to figure out what an instruction means.
The stories that you build as the last witch in Salem Village are claustrophobic. Even as the possibility of survival lingers, the net is closing around you with each passing day, with every interaction you have. The experiences you face run the gamut from mean-spirited accusations to a harmless thing being seen by the wrong person, and times in between where you just live life and practice your Craft. It invites you to imagine what you want in your life, what you've given up for it, and what you're still clinging on to.
This is not a game you are meant to win often. But you can win it, with the right cards and a lot of the right dice rolls. As I watch the deck of cards diminish with each roll, I find myself pleading for one more quiet day so they'll last longer, so I can buy time, so I won't work down to the cards that I know will spell my doom. The tension is very well built and it only ramps up the closer you get to the inevitable end.
I had a chilling, dread-filled, wonderful time with this game, and I will be doing so many times more in the future.
This rules and, speaking of ruling, I do hope the Emperor will be okay, beset as he is on all sides by subtle conspirators.