This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-08-06 01:10:56 to 2024-09-09 01:11:00. View 180 entries
This bundle price will be Pay What You Want, allowing buyers to download your content for free or pay as little as $1. This pricing model tends to attract high viewership and downloads, often leading to increased sales as well. We are accepting both paid and free content but paid ones are highly appreciated.
Revenue from the bundle will be equally shared among all participants.
While you are encouraged to promote the bundle, participation in promotion is not mandatory.
If you have any questions about the bundle, please post them in the Community section of the Game Jam page. We will respond as promptly as possible. Alternatively, you can contact us directly here:
Help Connect & Support Creators on by including one of the following buttons on your page while linking to:
Bundle Graphics by Kiri :)