This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-05-19 17:26:27 to 2024-06-11 23:00:00. View 269 entries

Summer is just around the corner and we’re excited to announce our upcoming bundle! 

This bundle, like our previous ones, has a unique feature: it’s divided into three distinct categories - Shine, Shadow, and Creation where each will have its own separate bundle. 

Shine: This category is for submissions that might bring Light into darkness, evoke Happiness, Joy, Victory and Success! It can include Games, Books, and more. Most items typically fall under this category. 

Shadow: This category is for Games, Books and more with Darker overtones that might solicit Fear & Fright and includes themes such as Tragedy, Sorrow, Blood and even Death! 

Creation includes all Game Assets, Music, Tools and Templates and any other items used for Content Creation.

Important Dates:

  • Submissions Deadline: Wednesday, 12th of June, 2024
  • Creation and Approvals: Thursday, 13th - Thursday, 20th June, 2024 (1 Week)
  • Bundle Duration: Friday, 21st June - Sunday 21st July, 2024 (1 month)

Please note that NSFW and related themes/genres are strictly prohibited.

Price and Advertisement of the Bundle: The price of the bundle will be determined by a public vote on the Official Bundle Everywhere Discord Channel. We advertise on various platforms and social media, and we encourage everyone to join us.

Revenue Sharing: Revenue will be shared equally among all participants.

Questions: If you have any questions regarding the bundle, please post them on the Community page of the Game Jam. We will respond to your questions as quickly as possible. You can also contact us directly.



Help Connect & Support Creators on by including one of the following buttons on your page while linking to:

Bundle Everywhere!  Bundle Ever

Bundle Graphics by Kiri :)