This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-08-14 04:00:00 to 2021-08-28 04:00:00. View results


Since the beginning of 2020, I've written at least one game idea almost everyday. And a while ago, someone suggested that I make a game jam based off them! Well, after almost a year, I decided to finally do it for my 600th game idea celebration!


The theme is simple, pick a game idea out of the list, and try to make a game fulfilling the idea to the best of your ability. You'll have two weeks to make your game, and after, the games will be voted on and ranked for three days, and the winners will be announced afterwards.


  • The ideas are public domain, though I'd appreciate the credit.
  • You don't have to 100% execute the idea. For example, if the game idea says 3D, but you make a 2D game, that's okay. But it shouldn't be hard to tell if the game is an execution of the idea.
  • Feel free to add your own ideas or mechanics to your game. As long as the base game idea is already there.
  • Don't worry about the word in brackets at the end of game ideas. Those are just themes I give myself when writing a game idea. Feel free to ignore them.
  • Let me know in the community forum if you're confused about a game idea (and you might wanna use it).
  • The games must be made during the jam. You can't work on it before the jam starts.
  • You can use old files and assets, as long as you're still making the majority of the game afterwards.
  • The games you make are yours obviously, we don't gain any rights to them.
  • Your game must be on at least Windows or browser.
  • You can go solo or as a team.
  • You can add multiple submissions.
  • If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the community forum.

Enjoy the jam everyone! :)


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made for jackojam game jam
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