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IndieGamerGames published a game 312 days ago
A downloadable game.
What makes you stronger makes you weaker too. In order to get saved, healt has to be sacrificed.
zwometer published a game 312 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Due to high exposure to radioactivity, so called "Rebellious Organisms in Servo Empowerment" (R.O.S.E) emerged. AND YOU ARE ONE OF THEM !!!!1!! Connect to modular robotic components to fight other R.O.S.E entities. The number of rose petals...
tojak published a game 312 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
A fast paced hack and slash game where you take on the role of Rosete , wielding her powerful rose sword. With every swing of this double edged blade , you risk losing a heart , but each s uccessful strike against your foes replenishes two...
SpiRiTs published a game 312 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Controls: Left: Moves Left Right: Moves Right Z: Shoots petals x: Uses Sacrificial Rose (Ability)
Cypooos published a game 312 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
To get your roses to grow you must share your blood with them. In this game, you will use roses to fight. Pot them and feed them your blood to use their strength. Build your deck by defeating your ennemies , gather different types of seeds...
VENABER published a game 312 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
A game where you eat to gain Money You livestream yourself eating food Dont get too fat! or you die.. (this games is buggy)
JeremySaulnier published a game 312 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Busy Bugs Guide the snail to munch on thorns. Health must be sacrificed to get the best scores but a well hydrated snail takes less damages. Watch out for the bees! - Controls - Left & Right Arrows : Change side Space bar : Stop Climbing Mu...
salvia published a game 312 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Devster published a game 312 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Movement - WASD Attack - Left Click Pause - Escape Key (Volume can be adjusted in the Pause Menu) Collect enchanted roses for powers, sacrificing health for mystical abilities. ____________________ Programming: Polybytes Music & SFX: Simon...
Carrot_Dev published a game 312 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Avoid obsticles and try to complete this little game, game was made during studying and under 4 days for game jam, so it SUPPOSED to be bad, and if you see bug, it's a feature bro! W,A,D - movement
Imated published a game 312 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
NOTE: Don't buy the same upgrade multiple times. Once you buy it once, you have it forever. The world most famous and well-known assassin breaks into the most secure and dangerous Soul Temple to try to assassinate the strongest foe he ever...
SugarVoid rated a game 312 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
LFWPanda published a game 312 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
A game made for the Jame Gam #39 Game Jam. As of uploading, this game is UNFINISHED. It IS however, stitched together so you can play three (kinda crappy) levels! Even though this game is basic, and the quality overall isnt very good, I do...
Holomind published a game 313 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
The Eisenrose wanders through the eternal night, always looking for the next stop. The machine's hungry engines ran out of blood. And without blood, the trails of roses fall asleep, leaving only those empty beings that crawl in the shadows...
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