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ucmazj published a game 268 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Our first GameJam and first ever game as Team | DuoCENG Did anything we could to make it better. Be careful about a Cj popping on your screen My thanks to the dear DEUPOG team. They were great! Credits : Emre Uçmaz Linkedin : https://www.l...
Selin Kar published a game 268 days ago
A downloadable game.
A rougelite where you play along the seasons and gain season based abilities as you play. These abilities will help you survive longer in this post-apocalyptic fantasy world where seasons change rapidly and randomly. Fight different kinds o...
Onurulas34 published a game 268 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Söylentilere göre, dünyanın dört bir yanında element eldivenleri bulunur. Bu eldivenleri kullananlar üstün güçler elde ederler. Mike ise bir mağarada ateş ve buz eldivenlerini bulur ve yıldırım eldivenini almak için avatarla...
Efeqwe published a game 268 days ago
A downloadable game.
Baba ve Kızı Ondokuz Games tarafından Jamination7 Game Jam'i için 48 saatlik sürede yapılmıştır. Ele geçirme temalı bu Game Jam için yaptığımız oyunda ruh tarafından ele geçirilmiş psikolojisi bozuk bir babayı oynuyoruz...
CancanxZ published a game 268 days ago
A downloadable game.
KhajiiR published a game 268 days ago
A downloadable game.
TÜM ELEKTRONİK CİHAZLARI KONTROL EDEBİLİRSİN AMA ONLARSIZ DA YAŞAYAMAZSIN. Uyandığında kendini tarif edilemez hislerle ve garip bir elektrik formunda buldun. Ardından bir ses sana ne yaptıklarını ve senden ne istediklerini anl...
GODNOVI published a game 268 days ago
A downloadable game.
" Protect your farm from mole takeover and try to achieve the highest score!" How to Play? • Seeds are automatically planted in empty planting areas. Each planting operation costs you some money. • When carrots grow, click on them to co...
Sena published a game 268 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.
Soul Collector is 2D adventure & action game that designed for Jamination 7 in 48 hours. The theme of jam was "Capture" and we handle it as capturing the skill&soul of enemy boss. You are an Imp, a soul collector. Collect the souls of demon...
Kodamacana published a game 268 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Shotgun wielding squirrels racing for getting the most hazelnuts! Developed for Jamination 7 under 48 hours. Developer: Talha Soylu Art: Ömer Faruk Aykal
Ugamer1375 published a game 268 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
We create this game for Jamination7 We won these awards: #BestHumor #BestSound Gameplay : ->Press 'Space' To Push UP Can You Beat It !!! Let's Goooo Don't Press "66" on keyboard while in the game. Trust me. : )
uevrendalgic updated a game 268 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Updated page content. Added platform Windows.
1 new upload:
GhostKitchenBuild_V0.3.rar 25 MB
A browser game made in HTML5.
About the Game You are two chameleons, trying to survive on a field full of monsters. But here, you do not change your own colors, but the color of your surroundings. Enemies and objects which have the color you hold become passive as you c...
pometcan published a game 268 days ago
A downloadable game.
Giriş En yüce surlarda gedik açılmadı mı? Yaratanın göz bebeği Adem bile şüpheye düşmedi mi? Özünüzde merak ve inkar varken ne diye itikadınızı korumaya çalışırsınız ki? Hepiniz biliyorsunuz inanmaya gücünüzün y...
crystaleye published a game 268 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.
Embark on a thrilling journey through airport security where you collect unauthorized items and experience the satisfying burst as they pop away. Can you clear the clutter before the security alert escalates? Controls F: Change the view bet...
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