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Hammer City Games published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
The entryway to the Return to Thracia dungeon, a former pilgrim's pass to an ancient tomb that has since been overtaken by bastard creatures.
ATypicalFaux published a dungeon 1 year ago
A downloadable dungeon.
Somewhere beneath the dirt is a place of amusement and thrills and fun. And then there is Tonkk's Fairy Barn, which may have, at some point, been the former. The rustic, frontier theming has worn thin, where it hasn't been dropped entirely...
Krognak published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
A dungeon map for the Jennell Jaquays game jam This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit
TabletobRPG published a game 1 year ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
This one-page dungeon is my contribution to the Jennell Jaquays Memorial Game Jam . Lost Chapel of the Dragon God is a 14 room dungeon spread over two floors with multiple ways to get from A to B. Meet and parley with a creepy Ear Collector...
Milestone Books published a module 1 year ago
A downloadable module.
The legendary cavalry of the Perinthian Guard was once feared across the lands, riding atop their dread-steeds. These famed horses still serve their masters in tortured undeath: beneath Perinthos lies a subterranean circuit where the revena...
Kirt Dankmyer published a weird pointcrawl 1 year ago
A downloadable weird pointcrawl.
Not only is it bigger on the inside than the outside, but it's not actually a hut. Sssh! This is an adaptation of Derelict Transdimensional Anomaly for the Jennell Jaquays Memorial Game Jam . The differences are: This escape pod is crashed...
Franco published a dungeon 1 year ago
A downloadable dungeon.
This 2-page dungeon was created for the Jennell Jaquays Memorial Game Jam in honor of Jennell Jaquays. It is one of many contributions to the megadungeon Return to Perinthos. Please back the upcoming Crowdfundr to print the megadungeon to s...
A downloadable game.
Just a one spread dungeon 'level', a gelatinous cube infested magically shifting Labyrinth, with the players in control of the passages and routes. It is tested, fun, system neutral, and ready to be ported into your own dungeon and plans as...
Hillgms rated a dungeon level 1 year ago
A downloadable dungeon level.

Super fun.  I did it as a solo adventure, had to pause bc as a newbie,  I need to read up how to run a baby dragon encounter. 

Logen_Nein published a The Mines of Perinthos 1 year ago
A downloadable The Mines of Perinthos.
This two page (or one spread) dungeon was conceived and made for the Jennell Jaquays Memorial Game Jam . The Mines of Perinthos Deep within the heart of an overrun dwarven mine, darkness and danger converge in a subterranean battleground. T...
ChrisAir rated a dungeon level 1 year ago
A downloadable dungeon level.

Very cool! Who doesn't want shipwrecked space frogs in their megadungeon?

M. Allen Hall published a dungeon level 1 year ago
A downloadable dungeon level.
The XES Round Happy has been pulled through a wormhole and crashed into a dungeon. The Xenopire Space Frogs quickly set out mining a crystal core, unaware of the baby dragon sleeping inside. Captain Gribb has been leading the push to engine...
Mike Mastermaker published a asset pack 1 year ago
A downloadable asset pack.
This map represents the lair of a cyclops who is leading a group of bandits. The cyclops was once a venerable gladiator; now he collects rare creatures for his underground bestiary. Most of the important items of note are labeled on the map...
Nocturnal Peacock published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
A contribution to the memorial megadungeon for Jennell Jaquays. My small contribution contains the Area around the Abbey of Saint Jaquays, protector of the lost adventurers and the forsaken. The old abbey, nested in the megadungeon's sprawl...
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