This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-01-01 01:01:01 to 2020-02-18 04:04:04. View 69 entries


If you'd like to submit to the jam within around 2 weeks of the deadline:

Let me know in the jam's community or on twitter @SpeaktheSky and I'll send you a link.

This is a jam for 2-player tabletop roleplaying games, though interactive fiction, bitsy games, and similar digital games are also welcome as long as they're designed for two!

Two-player games sit in a niche between more introspective solo games and often-busier 3+-player games. They can make great use of formality and symmetry or asymmetry, and allow people to create more intimate or intense experiences by cutting down to the fewest players necessary.

This jam is an opportunity to shine a spotlight on 2-player games, so bring out your old ones or design them new, or both!


rmangus has put together a collection of 2-player ttrpgs on itch: the Duets collection! Check out their page for more categorical collections.

You can find many 2-player ttrpgs using the '2-player' (or 'two-player') tag in the Physical Games category here on itch, including:


  • The primary experience of your game should be 2-player - don't just shoehorn a 2-player mode into a complete game!
  • Any state of work is fair to submit - previously-published, freshly-designed, works-in-progress, playtest versions, etc.
  • Games in any language are fine to submit.
  • You can submit any number of games as long as they fit the other requirements.
  • License and price your games as you see fit!
  • Include content notices or other precautions on both the game's page and in its file(s) if your game includes any material that could be considered adult or sensitive.
  • Bigoted content of any kind is not allowed and will be removed from the jam.
  • Please upload your game with the tag '2-player' and feel free to tweet with the tag #just2jam!


Here are some easy ways of boosting your game's accessibility:

  • Plain text (e.g. .txt) versions for text-to-speech apps (you can check how it sounds using free online apps like the free version of Natural Reader, to make sure it reads well)
  • Community copies and/or opt-in discounts (see this Twitter thread for a tutorial)
  • Print-friendly versions


Title font: Mayflower Antique by Dieter Steffman via 1001fonts

This jam is hosted by Speak the Sky (


All submissions

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enemies who once loved each other
New Desire for 2 Queers
A storytelling game about the relationship between two (or more) immortals split between heaven and hell
a spooky storytelling ritual for 2 ("Most Innovative" nominee for the 2019 IGDN Indie Groundbreaker Awards!)
a digital dating-horror game for people who love the moon a little too much
You just discovered your lover is secretly your mech-pilot rival!
Recreating the myth of Shamhat and Enkidu, players must reconcile politics, consent, and intimacy.
Two people explore a mysterious land for a place rumored to make any dream come true
Resist becoming one of Them and find your way home
All my small projects
a roleplaying game about dragons and their riders at the end of the world
200 word LARP of anti-fascist makeouts
robot girlfriends across the battefield
a game about an endless chance to say goodbye
A game of eager students and egotistical teachers.
conversations long forgotten, long unread
A GMless game for Two Players
A game of identity and memory for two
An exploration of the relationship between a pilot and a mech, and how they have changed each other.
a 2-player play-by-audio game where you are same character, in parallel worlds
how far are you willing to go?
a 2 player game about making demons do your work.
A robot searching for identity in the post-Anthropocene
we swim, we talk, we go to war
Can love conquer all?
A role playing duet of love, jealousy, and revenge
a cryptid rom-com simulator for two players
a 2 player game about gambling with demons.
A tarot-like game about a fallen Paladin and their Deity, and the task of reconciliation.
an asynchronous correspondence horror game about loneliness for two spacefarers
a 2 player game about dating demons.
A two-player RPG about inevitability
A two-player RPG of lost relationships and public reunions.
A two-player game about a warlock and their patron
The Story Of a Relationship On Its Own Terms
A 2-Player RPG of Fast Cars, Desperate Arguments, and Getting Out Of This Town.
Yes, who’s this? A LARP about re-getting to know a life long lover or friend.
a game of love and terror between a girl and a rusalka
a two-player game about mutual pining, being apart, and writing love letters that you’ll never send
a poem generator
The Story Of Your Friendship With a 60,000 Year Old Woman
The struggle between human and goose
A Game Of Intimate Witchcraft For You And a Friend
A game for two, of discovering and becoming a place
A game about marriage (and possibly love) for two players
An epistolary game about a soldier and a loved one – Un gioco epistolare su un soldato e una persona cara
A tired King and a wandering Ace rebuild a kingdom together
A noir role-playing game about a femme fatale and her detective
A 2-player LARP about becoming a Monster
Inspired by Aesop's Fables, this one-page LARP for two players explores a fight between greed and flattery.
Prison-break tabletop RPG for two people using a Monopoly board
Un gioco di ruolo per due persone. Uccidi il drago, diventa un eroe!
Un gioco di ruolo per due persone di amore, ricordi, dolore e speranza
A 2 player game using strings and scissors
A TRPG tribute to the podcast Butterfly Kisses
A two-player game exploring the story of two people who are separated by distance and circumstance.
A competitive two player card game where one of you is literally Carly Rae Jepsen in real life
A game about PASSION and ROMANCE inspired by the good song of TWO TRUCKS by Neil CICIEREGA.
A game to play with your cat & a suitcase!
a game about desire, for two players
A writing game for two players.
A nightlifer tries to escape Death. Will they do so forever?