This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-01-13 05:00:00 to 2023-01-16 05:00:00. View 38 entries

KO!! 72-Hour Slam-Jam

Presented by the community, a friendly and welcoming forums!

Date: Jan 13-16, 2023 / Midnight to Midnight EST

🥊Welcome to the first 'KO!! Slam-Jam'!

The Slam-Jam is a short and sweet, 72 hour, game dev jam hosted by the community.
All devs are welcome to participate! You do not have to be a member of to run in this event.
How to Slam Jam with the Triple Stack
Slam-Jams are a themed event so please build your game around an idea presented by one of the themes. You may use any number or combination of the themes to inspire your work. We suggest taking the (Spice Word) as an adjective/modifier for the theme that's put next to it. e.g. (Cute) Electronics is 'Electronics theme with a suggested 'cute' bend to it'. Spice Words (inspired by KO ratings) are completely optional and are up to your interpretation.

Prizes and Claiming your Crown
This is a prize-pool'd event and, if you win one of the community's two votes, you'll be able to pick one prize or donate a prize back to the community. (First come, first served!) There are no engine restrictions and you may use any third-party assets you have access to in this jam. We only ask that your game be playable on Windows. Voting will take place on and the thread for it will be posted here once  the submission period ends. Once votes are tallied, you will be contacted through your Jam Entry with instructions on how to pick your prizes. Unclaimed prizes will be donated to the community ten (10) days after the jam's voting period ends.


1. Winners are determined by community vote. There are two categories: Best use of Theme and Players' Choice.

2. You may do concept work before the start of the jam in the form of notes, preparation, idea maps, and the like. 

3. Judging will occur on The judging period will begin the day after the jam ends and go for 1 week. At the end of that week, the winners will be announced.

4. Winners get one* pick from the prize pool each; the remaining prizes will go to the community via random selection. Winners may opt to donate any number of picks to the community. 

5. Your game must not feature bigoted content. The runners of the competition hold final say on what games are eligible for judging. 

6. This is a casual jam, so have fun! The objective is to come up with a crunchy, fun, and short game so don't stress too much about it. We recommend shooting for 5 to 20 minutes of play.

* Typo - updated 1/11/2023 @9:20P EST

Prize Pool

- 3x Steam Keys

- 2x $110 cash (via Paypal)

This Slam-Jam's Triple Stack of Themes:


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Linux (4)

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Made for KO Slam Jam 2023!! We are really glad to present you our first project!
Construction Equipment Sumo
Proceed to the Church in time or succumb to lycanthropy!
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Short action survival game made in 24h for the KO Slam Jam
Ball your way out of hell!
Role Playing
Run for save your soul
Lightning-paced horde shooter with titanic bosses
It's reverse doodlejump.
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Make art with cars
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throw balls at cubes
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Addictive puzzle game with interesting gameplay
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Dr. Frizzly has invited himself (into your house) and wants you to playtest his new minigames!
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A 12 Second Combofest
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A card game about crafting spells to defeat a monster.
Card Game
A massive ship approaches Earth... 120 seconds until it fires.
Slam dunk spheres of paint!!!!!!
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A puzzle game by orcs for orcs
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Multitasking budget cut simulator.
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A short story about the life of wheat as they face the prospects of changing into bread!
Visual Novel
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Multi-dimensional platformer
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KO Jam 2023 Submission
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A Whack-A-Mole style game about defeating ghosts to cure possessed folks.
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KO Jam Submission. Autorhythm game. Trans rights.
You "control" a guy with a ROCKET POWERED HAMMER. Sate your BLOODLUST before you PERISH.
You have 120 seconds. Collect power-ups and get as many points as you can before returning to your base
Help Pesci come up with a poem to perform at the poetry slam! Made for the KO!! Slam-Jam
colonise the moon before the heat death takes us all
Survive the impending catastophe
Game for knockout slam jam
You have 120 seconds to slam the Bomb into the target!
It doesn't matter how bad things may get, we'll stay!
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Slam those paddles
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Can you catch lightning in a bottle and illuminate the world in 120 seconds?
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A simple game about expecting zombie danger.
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Power fantasy of being a big ol turd!!!
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