Unity KodeJam 2023
My First GameJam!
Jam Instructions:
Download the project folder which is a .unitypackage file. The file contains 3 scenes and you MUST use at least ONE scene and continue developing it into a game.
Time Limit is 48 hours,stop when time's up.
Submission date:3/8/2023 - 5/8/2023
- The required scene must be accessed by players.
- must be a game with full functionalities,for example,a scene with a controller only will not be accepted.
- No copying is allowed.
- No promotion of other games in this jam.However you may post topics in the community about games.
- You may edit the scene,however,you should not delete the objects that is originally in the scene(such as water shaders/terrains,you may EDIT their properties but not deleting them.)
- No communications between developers are allowed.
- Asset packs on any stores are allowed.