This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-10-31 11:00:00 to 2022-11-29 11:00:00. View results


Every 2 Years Komodroid Hosts A Game Jam And It Is Judged By The Public To See What Game Is The Best Of Them All. This Will Be Hosted On The Komodroid's Live Video Podcast And Judged By The Member's At Komodroid


Playstation 1 First Person Shooter Style Video Game


All game engines are allowed!

Games that are NSFW should have a warning in the description or when the game first loads up.

You and your team are encouraged to make everything from scratch during the event. If you use any pre-made assets you must list them in the description of the game and you must have the rights to use said assets.

All games submitted must be digital games that can be played on Web, Windows, Linux, or Mac. (It's easier for people to play Web games.)

Legal - Anything you make during this Gamejam is your property.  Komodroid claim no rights or ownership of your game.


1st Place - Free Copy Of Trapped 2 BETA  (our new video game)  

2nd Place - Nothing :(

3rd Place - Nothing :(