This jam is now over. It ran from 2018-11-02 11:00:00 to 2018-11-05 12:00:00. View 8 entries
The Krass-N.G. Jam is back with Round 7! This is crazy that it's been almost an entire year of game jams with this series! A non-competitive jam with an added twist and a chance to win a Steam Giftcard!!
This game jam concept started out with a crazy idea on Krassenstein's stream. The idea is to utilize the RNG of the theme to make the wackiest, coolest, most bodacious game you've ever played (or just something fun)! The goals of the Krass N.G. Jam are to help get the ball rolling on a game idea that you've had (or never knew you had) or a chance for you to start and finish a game for that little extra push of excitement for your own game! No matter what happens, you'll always have a blast and you've done what many other people never have! You'll have a game at the end that could be played by whomever you want to see it!
Krassenstein will be streaming the development of his jam game at and encourages anyone to do the same! If you are streaming, add #krassjam at the end of your stream so that Krassenstein can tweet it out and/or host you!
Get your theme here!!!!
Mandatory Requirement: The Game MUST Have a Horror Theme or Element to it.
Countdown made by GottZ -
The rules for the jam are simple:
You'll need an account to do all of this stuff. You can also use the #krassjam hashtag on Twitch or Twitter. If you post anywhere else, be sure to tag it with "krassjam" as well so anyone can find your progress more easily and know you're participating in something for your development future!
To submit your game, just create and upload your finished game to from your Dashboard, and then it will be visible to choose as your submission for this game jam when you click the Submit button at the top of this page. Note: The submit button does not appear until the jam begins, but once it starts, you may submit your game at any time!
You retain ALL rights to your creations. NO distribution rights to ANYTHING you post on this website are claimed by Krassenstein or affiliates of The Krass-N.G. Jam. You can do whatever you want with your finished game. Expand it, sell it, release it, delete it. It's up to you. That being said, be aware that all of the terms and conditions of stand on their own and must be agreed to upon creating an account and uploading games to their service.
The organizers do request the right to use your game for purpose of publicizing the competition.
The following paragraph should go without saying, but: If you used any resources within your game that you personally did not create (graphics, music, sounds, whatever), the creators of those resources retain whatever rights they originally specified when you retrieved the resources. You will also be considered a significantly better person if you provide adequate credit to the original creators within your game as well over if you do not include credit. DO NOT USE resources that you do not explicitly have permission to use or else you will be rightfully subject to the consequences of doing so.
You've done what a very very small percent of game developers have done! You've completed a game! You rock!
If you finish a complete gameplay loop WITH your theme included by the submission time, you will be entered to win a $10 Steam Giftcard at the end of the submission review streams starting on November 5th!!
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