Flash Lazy Jam: only 24 hours to submit your game. Starts tonight at midnight UTC!
Any member of the Lazy Developers' Discord server can participate: https://discord.gg/Ajr5P3V
It will have to be a CLI game, so don't worry about engines, assets etc...
The theme is... free! Do a game about what you want. However, there are some constraints...
- As previously said, it has to be console-based (no GUI)
- Must be open source, at least to the moderators
- Must have a menu
- Must have a permanent state (save files for instance)
- Must ask for confirmation before exiting
- It must have a more complex look than plain text (with ASCII art for instance)
- There must be some degree of difficulty and should be playable for at least 15 minutes
Here are the rules:
- You must respect the theme.
- Your entry has to be a game. Sending an empty file is indeed lazy, but it's not much of a "game" jam entry without a game.
- It can be any genre as long as it remains SAFE FOR WORK.
- You can team up, but no more than 3 people per game.
- It has to be playable for most people (so at least one amongst Windows, Linux and browser).
The games will be rated on the following criteria: Fun, Looks and Originality.