This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-06-11 17:00:00 to 2023-06-18 17:00:00. View 9 entries

The first Let's Make Games Game Jam!

(Or LMGGJ for short)

Discord Link:

This is the first official game jam of the Let's Make Games Discord server. If you found this while browsing jams, feel free to join the server and/or make a game! We have a pretty nice community, I'd say. If you're from the server, then thanks for having joined and sticking around!

This is a non-ranked, themed, one-week jam. The theme is optional, so don't worry if you can't come up with an idea that fits it! The jam starts June 11 at 12:00 PM and ends June 18 at the same time.

The theme for the LMGGJ is...

Second Chance


1: Applicable server rules
This includes keeping your work PG and respectful of others, and generally being chill and beneficial to the community. Also no malware.

2: Tech and executable rules
Any game engine or technology can be used to make your game, but it should be able to run without any additional downloads, etc. For example, you can make a game in Scratch, but you should use Turbowarp or a similar tool to convert the Scratch project into something playable without the Scratch runtime. It would be especially helpful if you could provide a browser version of your game.

3: Submit your game within the deadline, unless I change my mind
The jam starts and ends within the timeframe above. Please only use code made within the time of the jam. However, you may use art, audio, or other assets made at any other point, including free assets. If you have a really good reason for submitting your game outside the given timeframe, or you need anything else, please contact me on Discord! Also, if you don't end up submitting your game but still want to work on it, please do! I probably want to play it.

That's all you need to know about the jam! If you have any further questions, please ask them on the server!


All submissions
Browser playable (3)
Windows (3)
Linux (1)

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Play in browser
a short deck builder card game with dissecting enemies
Play in browser
Space from a laboratory using your superpowers that only last 2 chances