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Virtual Trace rated a Elements of Fame 2 years ago
A browser Elements of Fame made in HTML5.

At the end the game became repetitive, move and shot, move and shot.

The SFX, Amazing. Nice jump tho.

A browser game made in HTML5.

Una fantasía retro, si como describes vas a pensar en añadir potenciadores como pociones y así, tengo muchas ganas de probar suerte de nuevo!

Como feedback te diría que si no está maximizada la ventana, los valores numéricos de dados y stats están descolocados. Y al probar el botón de twitter no llega a la página.
Tiene muchas posibilidades de hacerse exponencialmente mucho más interesante si añades cosas!

Agapito Devs published a game 2 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Gasha - Boss Andy is trapped in the mall! It seems that no matter how much he tries to get out there is something superior that won't let him escape... Join this little adventure to discover the mysteries of Gasha-Boss ! All assets are made...
Pablo Bolós Jurado published a Elements of Fame 2 years ago
A browser Elements of Fame made in HTML5.
Todos los años se produce una singular batalla de la que muy pocos tienen constancia: la Elements of Fame. Una serie de duelos, con mucha química, por el palmarés más codiciado: la Tabla de los Elementos. ¡Un lugar al que solo unos poc...
A downloadable game for Windows.

At times boring, at times too much speed!

Good job with the level design. (but I never passed from 20 clovers)

A downloadable game for Windows.

We don't have any type of manual or recipes for the potions so, it's a bit weird.

But good work with the 3D! I loved the low poly aesthetics.

A browser game made in HTML5.

The game is too orthopedic. 

You did a good work with the 3D. 

A downloadable game for Windows.

I dont found a match with theme.

The gameplay it's a few slow. The instructions are not clear.

But the tiny humans are so kawaii.

A downloadable game.

I have not found a match with the theme.
The main mechanics are great, reminds me of the medical exam for driver's license x)

Yyou coud try to improve the blue dot movement to get a better game feel.

Anyway, it's VERY ANNOYING THIS GAME!  I loved it.

LevaDev published a game 2 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
El hombre Gelatina se ha adentrado en un mundo mágico y por más que lo intenta, no puede salir de él. ¿Te atreves a ayudarle para que pueda salir? Boom! Todo es suerte, encuentra auras mágicas que te ayudarán con ruletas de la fortuna...
A downloadable game for Windows.

Nice First Game!

Next time try to stop the time between waves 'cause I died a lot of times selecting the new upgrade x)

Alex_Villalta published a game 2 years ago
A downloadable game.
A game about coordination. Right hand move the red circle and left move the blue circle. If you play this game you will improve your coordination skills or die trying. Third party assets: - DOTween Pro - Bayat - Save System
Dasanfer published a game 2 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Adéntrate en una cueva marina donde manejaras un dado y dependiendo de su cara la velocidad del juego cambiara a tu alrededor. Intenta manejar tu suerte y el destino a tu favor. Un juego que a simple vista parece sencillo y bonito se conve...
Scalions Studios published a game 2 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Compra ingredientes, extrae su esencia y mezclalos para obtener pociones que puedes vender para subir (o bajar) tu reputacion. No te olvides de dormir para iniciar un nuevo dia. Assets de Synty Studios, imagenes de UI de diversos Assets, So...
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