This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-05-01 06:00:00 to 2021-05-11 03:30:00. View results

About Line Art Jam

The purpose of this game jam is to try to limit yourself to a single drawing function, line(x1, y1, x2, y2). Everything that appears on screen must be drawn using lines, including text, menus, and game art.


I personally like to use P5.js which has a line drawing function, but you are free to use any software you would like. Please make the game or utility playable from the browser if possible.

Here are some other examples of rendering software that has an accessible line drawing function:


Strict rules:

  1. Only line drawing and clearing the screen to a solid color is allowed. Textures cannot be drawn directly to screen.
  2. Only 6 colors total can be used at a time, including the background color. The banner photo for this jam follows this pattern, using colors white, pink, red, blue, orange, and yellow.
  3. The game or utility can be presented at any resolution. If you need to use additional drawing functions to simulate a lower resolution, that is OK, just make sure to only use a line function when drawing your scene. If you are unsure what this means, please contact me--or use a tool like TIC-80, Pyxel, or Pico-8 that simulate low resolutions for you.

Loose rules:

  1. It is possible to create a rectangle fill function using only lines, but this is against the spirt of the challenge. I recommend using a 'fill' technique that still shows the lines that make it up, like shown in the cover image.
  2. The strict rule is only 6 colors at a time, but for added challenge, stick to a single 6 color palette at all times.
  3. The line drawing function should only be used at a single width, ideally one-pixel.
  4. The line drawing function should not use anti-aliasing

General Jam rules:

  1. Use only content you are entitled to use (non-)commercially. This includes public domain work, but please always credit content creators.
  2. Please label your game as NSFW if appropriate. 


The optional theme for this jam is Identity.


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a game that only uses line drawing functions
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