This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-10-07 21:59:59 to 2021-10-10 21:59:59. View results

Script Change Replay

The game to translate is:

Script Change Replay - A content, consent and safety toolbox! Enjoy!

An online game translation marathon focused on inclusivity, discovery and collaboration.

Running for 72 hours, from Friday to Sunday CET

  New York, Toronto  From: Thursday, 7th of October 18:01 EDT  To: Sunday, 10th of October 17:59 EDT  Madrid, Rome  From: Friday, 8th of October 00:01 CEST  To: Sunday, 10th of October 23:59 CEST  Tokyo, Seoul  From: Friday, 8th of October 07:01 JST/KST  To: Monday, 11th of October 06:59 JST/KST


Here's what you need to know:

Who can enter? Anyone with online access, of any age, from anywhere. We recommend working in teams.

Where can I find help and team mates? Ask on  our language forums.

What do we translate? A ruleset designed to improve content, consent and safety of narrative games. 4000 words, plain HTML format.

What language can I translate into? From English into any language you like.

Who will judge entries? The other entrants will be able to vote their favorite entries for three days after the end of the jam.

Are there modifiers? Yes! Tackle the optional challenges below to spice up your jam.

  • Design cup: Illustrate and redesign the manual and cards (improve looks/accessibility, etc)
  • Research cup:  Document the research carried for your translation


Further rules:

Any more doubts? Check our FAQ here


All submissions
Browser playable (32)
Windows (5)
macOS (5)
Linux (5)
Android (5)
Arabic (1)
Russian (2)
Belarusian (1)
German (2)
Portuguese (Brazil) (2)
Chinese simplified (1)
Portuguese (Europe) (1)
Spanish (Europe) (3)
Spanish (Latin America) (3)
Other (please label as []) (1)
French (15)
Japanese (2)
Italian (7)

No submissions match your filter

Une boite à outils pour le consentement et la sécurité lors des jeux de rôle
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A content, consent, and safety toolbox - Italian version created for LocJAM World Mental Health Day
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A revised version of Script Change Replay toolset, created for Locjam and targeting preschoolers and kids
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​Translated by the Tradmorv, 5 students from the EII, Mons, Belgium
Boîte à outil sur le contenu, le consentement et la sécurité
French Translation of Script Change Replay by a Bunch of Students from the University of Mons
Translated by EII students, Mons, Belgium
Translation to Belgian French of "Script Change Replay"
This is our submission for the LocJAM World Mental Health Day 2021
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Italian entry for LocJam WMHD by Irene Tomasi and Francesca Mele
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Une boite à outil pour le contenu, le consentement, et la sécurité
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Werkzeuge für Inhalte, Sicherheit und Einverständnis (GER LocJAM entry for World Mental Health Day)
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LocJAM World Mental Health Day Japanese entry by Reimond
Role Playing
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SCR localisation from English to Italian for LocJam by Alen.Ciga
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Hope your enjoy our translation!
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Brazilian Portuguese submission for World Mental Health LocJam
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Hi, we're Magi (Martina, Angelica, Gabriella and Isabella), and this is our first LocJAM!
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Spanish translation for the LocJAM World Mental Health Day
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Сборник правил для настольных игр
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Un recurso de contenido, consentimiento y seguridad
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French translation for the locJAM WMHD in october 2021 / Traduction française pour la locJAM WMHD d'octobre 2021
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Italian localization of the LocJAM World Mental Health Day project "Script Change Replay".
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Translation for the LocJam 2021 World Mental Health Day
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LOCJAM - Translation of Scrip Change Replay
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This is a Chinese translation of "Script Change Replay" for the LocJam World Mental Health Day.
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Propuesta de Tradulokis para el LocJam de septiembre de 2021.
Card Game
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Un juego basado en la contencion, el consentimiento y la seguridad. Traducción hecha para LocJam
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LocJAM project World Mental Health Day done by a group of 5 translation students called Les traducto-depressifs