This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-10-06 18:00:00 to 2023-10-13 17:00:00. View results


Lorky Jam is a 72-hour-long video game jam held every month on

The theme of the jam is announced around the day the jam is published and is visible in the title. In the time before the jam starts you can come up with an idea and concept for your game, BUT you can only start development after the jam has started. The main thing to remember is that you must be creative, it is very welcome. Also you can deviate a little from the jam idea and use your own, but in the same branch. The theme of this jam is Mystery.

Don't worry that you won't be able to post exactly in the development period, you can post your game during the voting period which is 7 days after the development period.

Our discord


The limitation is a special condition that your game must follow, but is open to interpretation. If you are unsure if your idea doesn't fit the limitation,  just remember that everyone will interpret it differently.

And since this is a creepy jam your game should be at least a little scary, good luck with that :)

The limitation is - Low vision range. Use this limitation in your game, it will be rated! Good luck!


Use of limitation - How well the game incorporated the given limitation.

Enjoyment - How much you enjoyed your time with the game. 

Presentation - How well executed the main focus of the game was.

Concept - How interesting or unique the main focus of the game was.

Atmosphericity - how well your game conveys its target atmosphere.

Spooky - how much of your game is scary and creepy.



Read the rules. Not reading the rules is not an excuse for breaking them.

Keep game content clean. Any and all NSFW content, potentially offensive content, graphic content etc. must be clearly telegraphed with a content warning at the start of the game as well as in it's description or cover.

Answer submission questions honestly. You will be prompted to answer a few questions when submitting your game. Please answer them to the best of your ability. Giving vague answers is a great way to set off red flags.

Any games that do not follow the rules will be removed from the jam without warning.


Can I submit more than one game?  Yes, but I would advise against it.

Can I submit a game I already made?  No. You may only submit projects made within the time frame. We do check.

Can I make changes during the rating period? Yes, just make sure that the original version of the jam can still be downloaded.

What engine can I use? You can use any engine or framework you like. You can even make your own if you want.

Is there a prize for the winners?  The prize is the friends we've made along the way and some game in steam if you want so)

I have code and assets from other Jams I wish to use, are these allowed? Yes! If you have the rights to use it, anything that wasn't made specifically for this particular jam is allowed. Mini Jam isn't strict on the "build it from scratch" ruling, but it is encouraged.

How can you tell if I used premade assets or made the game at an earlier stage? Outside obvious red flags, we don't really check. Jams are for fun. Bend the rules if you want, just don't cheat yourself and be a jerk to mess with genuine folk.


So, before the jam starts and during the jam process, the whole Lorky team, or rather one me - Ivan, would like to wish all participants good luck and thank you for your support this jam!


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Windows (4)
Android (1)

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You can hear It by squelching
A game about a little girl who was waiting for her mother...