VERY neat, has unlocked memories of getting carsick playing video games at the back of a school bus after a field trip. (although the game & watch itself is a little......before my time.)
lots of neat presentation details like the scuffed up handheld that opens with the screen displaying weird overlays, and the 'take me out to the ballgame' jingle at the 7th inning stretch which was adorable. the gameplay itself wasn't too hard (i skunked the computer 19 to 8) and a little more hits-and-strikeouts heavy vs groundouts and flyouts. i think the cpu realized that 50% of both our pitches were always called for strikes and 50% were always called for balls.
on the other hand, i felt like cpu hitters & pitchers had a vague idea of fastball vs offspeed counts, which rules if true. and gameplay quibbles included the artstyle, design, and Vibe feel accurate to a game & watch era game. really nailed the nostalgic recognition for a game that doesn't exist.