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Caps_Lock updated a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
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build Play in browser
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Первый учебный день в университете едва не оканчивается для первокурсника Алексея неудачей - по дороге его чуть не сбивает автобус...
rollcreators published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Everything chage in unstable room! Enemies, enviroment and goals! Try to win, if you can. Сontrol: Move: WASD or Arrows Shoot: Z or SPACE or LMB Authors: Vicheslav Zuravlev - developer Andrey Elisafenko - artist / game-designer Anna Bespal...
A downloadable game for Windows.
Added platform Windows.
ONION published a game 3 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Вокруг странное подземелье. Комнаты наполнены непонятным дымом. Возможно, это яд. Ни на один появившийся в голове вопрос нет ответа...
EugeneKul published a Unstable world 3 years ago
A browser Unstable world made in HTML5.
Ludum Dare 49 entry Unstable Top-down shooter where every defeated enemy changes the world to unpredictable mess.
Tory Games published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
About what Finding themselves in a high-rise building in the middle of an earthquake is very dangerous. And making your way through the ruins on the floors, to the rescue on the roof - this is practically impossible. Can you do it? Control...
lemostick published a game 3 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Айзек мечтает о джунглях. Помечтай с ним вместе! ---------------------------------------------------- Разработчики: lemostick , Иван Козлов Художники 2D: Роман Сц...
Under Three published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Be sure to open the game in full screen! Otherwise, you may not see the button at level 7. Bad Shooter Play as Bob, his room's worst shooter. His hands are shaky, in other words, they are unstable. Bullets ricochet off walls and can kill yo...
JarneroGD published a Lawrunner 3 years ago
A downloadable Lawrunner for Windows.
Самая актуальная на данный момент времени пост-джем версия: ОБЩАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ Квест-Сайдскр...
KaDR published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Все части игры (графика, музыка, код) были разработаны участниками команды специально для джема. « Игра была разработана во время уч...
ilya096 published a game 3 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
“Надоедливые заклинатели свергли меня в Бездну. Это дорого им стоило, и они боятся, что я вернусь… конечно я вернусь! Бездна… Я нен...
markveligod published a game 3 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Вы играете за ядерный реактор на уране 238. в нем происходит полураспад, поэтому он постоянно теряет нейтроны, которые необходимо со...
Zefir_xD published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Hello everyone. You know, I'm excited about the Gravity Falls cartoon. There are so many mysterious characters there. Have you ever wondered how Wendy's father cuts down trees? No, me too. I think it's like in this game. I suggest we play...
E`PeachyBand published a game 3 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
E’Peachyband: Artist: SoFarAway // Ignatyev Gleb Scenario & Gamedesign: favanbowv Composer: Jujo // Vadim Malahanov Programmers: CATANYAW // Dmitry Svyatash peachyhead // Chalov Vasily This game is also submited for ludum dare 49 gamejam...
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