This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-02-16 01:00:00 to 2023-02-26 03:02:00. View results

Ludwig Jam is a 10-day game jam, where contestants will create games based on the theme. You may find teammates on the Discord.


$20,000 USD

split between the top 10 entries



10 Minute Games


  • Games must be safe for streaming (no DMCA music or TOS violations).
  • Games must be made entirely within the time frame.
  • Games can be made using any language, game engine, or free assets.
  • No more than 4 people to a team (ask in the community tab for exceptions).
  • Games must be submitted to a public GitHub repository.


What is the theme?

The theme is Coots (the cat). All games must incorporate Coots in some way, be it protagonist, antagonist, or something more creative and abstract. Additionally, all games must be 10 minutes long.

What does a 10 minute game mean?

During judging, the player should be able to beat your game in 10 minutes or less. If your game isn't linear, the player should be able to have a full experience in 10 minutes.
This DOES NOT mean your game has to be a speedrun game - it should just be a bite-sized experience, so we can feature as many as possible on stream!

Who is Coots?

More here.

Do I have to follow the theme?

Yes, your game is judged partially on how well it follows the theme.

Can I submit more than one game?


Can I submit a game I already made?

No. Games must be made entirely within the time frame. This includes previous assets that you've made, but if you make those assets public, you can use them.

Can I use assets I didn't make?

You can use any free assets that you have the rights to, such as Unity or Unreal asset store items.

Can I work in a team / How do I find a team?

Yes, teams are allowed. You can look for teams in the discord channel.

What are the voting criteria?

Gameplay (how fun is it to play?), Originality (how interesting and unique is it?), Presentation (how good does it look and sound?), Theme (how well does it fit the theme?)

How does voting work?

First, the games will be ranked by the community. Then, the top few games will be hand-picked by moderators. Finally, the judges will find their favorite games on stream and rank them.

Who are the judges?

Ludwig, Ottomated, QTCinderella, Michael Reeves

Any other questions can be asked on the Community tab.