You are playing as dwarf captured by goblins. Fight your way out of arena and preserve your majestic beard. Use gold to buy structures and use melee weapons and magic to kill the horde. With each wave, more enemies will show up. Survive...
A game created for MageJam Vol IV. Theme: Entire game on one screen. In this game you play as an NPC selling weapons in a stereotypical fantasy RPG. :^| Special thanks goes to C418 for his track Stal from Minecraft OST - it hadn't been used...
This game depicts a human life with a metaphor. As a player you watch your life on a tv screen where you can see 4 stages of your life: childhood, adulthood, old age and ... . You confronts your fears which can change with time. This game w...
Press on Prezes to make him happy! But be careful! If he doesn't get too much attention, he gets angry on you and shrinks into nothingness! Keep all Davids happy at all costs! Project made in Unity for Mage Jam vol. IV
Find The Way Out - this is a game that combines 2D and 3D, and where you need to find a way out, the game was made in 48 hours on magejam-vol-iv. Theam: Entire Game on One Screen
Game created for MageJam4! For full experience play downloadable version. Smellybag is Dracula’s scarecrow and he was obligated to cut out outgrown bushes in royal maze, but he lost his gardening scissors. He really wants to find a way in...
Paweł Jumper złamał dechę snowboardową. Na szczęście rozbił się w sklepie z elektroniką. Michał Bernat - programming/game design Adam Busza - art Irek Woźniak - music
It's the first game I ever created. A week into learning how to program. I used Unity2d to code. Graphics have been created with Canva. Music and sounds were made on Korg Volca Bass & PO-33 with some postproduction.