This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-06-30 22:00:00 to 2022-07-31 21:59:59. View results

Be creative and create a game!

The game should be made around a specific Theme, which is:

A small world.


  1. Be polite!
  2. Only use assets, music and other things, if you're allowed to use it!
  3. You must not promote any sort of discrimination
  4. No NSFW games
  5. The game has to be playable on Windows 10 (.exe or html5). It would be best, if it would be playable on Linux and Mac as well but thats no must-have.

Criteria: Visuals - Audio -  Gameplay - Fun - Does it fit the theme? - Overall

Questions? -> Community section! or Discord Server->

Background Image by JCK5D