I really enjoy keeping pressing space key just to see all those random generate cute creature! Even though they are generated by code, all of them looks really nice and cute. It must took a long time to make sure all kinds of eyes, mouths and body shapes work together. Great job on that!
One thing I notice is that the first box is called "play", so I assume that should be the place where the creature plays the ball. But every time I switch between creatures, the ball is generated in the "room" box with the furnitures, and there is nothing I could interact with in the "play" box. Laster I find that when I bring the ball to the very front and throw it to the side, it goes to the "play" box, but I still can't interact with the ball in the "play" box. I only played the mac version so I'm not sure is this only happens to mac. Other than this minor problem, I like every design aspect of this game. Excellent work!
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