This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-03-22 17:00:00 to 2024-03-24 16:45:00. View 10 entries
Runner Up:
Heavy is the hand
Runner Up:
Heavy is the hand
Ice factory
Runner Up:
Whispers from the grave
Ice Factory
Runner Up:
Whispers of change
Runner Up:
Ice factory
Heavy is the hand
Runner Up:
Heavy is the hand
Ice factory
Whispers from the grave
Whispers from the grave
Maze of Life
Whispers of Change (Doom 2)
Skip, Chalmers University and Gothenburg University present to you the March Game Jam 2024! In this game jam, you get to make a game based on a certain theme in just a few days! After submitting your game there will be a panel of judges who will vote on the games. This event is free and no experience in game development is needed!
Game jams are a fun way to challenge yourself and meet other people interested in making games. It is a safe space to create and discuss games. The best part is that in the end you will have made and finished a game that you can share with friends, family and your fellow developers.
Are you new to game development and don't think you can finish a game in such a short amount of time? Well give it a shot anyway, it's worth a try and you'll probably learn a lot!
Join our discord server for any notifications about the jam, meet other participants and hype yourself up before the event!
Please note there are no limits to the type of game you can create for the jam, as long as it fits the theme! Some examples could be computer games, vr games, ar games, boardgames, cardgames, an interactive experience, interactive stories etc.
Also note that this is an in-person Jam! To participate in the jam please create or log in to your account here on and sign up for the jam. We have limited seats, 80, so please also make sure that you have signed up for the event at Orbi: Link to orbi event app or Link Orbi event website
Group size is 5 people maximum :D
Snacks and drinks will be offered to all participants! You can also take a break and play board/ video games (lots of different kinds).
18.00 - Welcome Speech and Theme Reveal.
17.30 - Deadline for Submissions
18.00 - 19.00 - Let's play with the Judges!
19.00 - 20.00 - Judges deliberate
20.00 - Closing Ceremony
The games will be rated into 5 categories: Game Design, Fun, Theme, Sound and Graphics. This is a short variety of game dev aspects, so don't worry if you can't hit all of them perfectly! Try to be creative and stick to the theme though!
After the submission period is over, the panel of judges will complete a let's play. Afterwards, the judges vote and then reveal the prize winners at the closing ceremony!
As always we wish all of you the best of luck with your games and most importantly; make sure to have fun! :D
Do note for submissions, if you've submitted your game, do not delete it, if you delete your game you are out of luck. Making changes after the deadline is not possible. Make sure your game is uploaded to if you want to participate. For physical-based games, pictures of the boardgame (or other) with the rules uploaded to an itch page will be sufficient. Please do remember to upload to the itch submission before the deadline! Otherwise, you cannot get any votes on your game!
Winners of each category will receive a special note at the top of this game jam page, and be given special tags in our discord server!
The winners of each category will receive a gift card to SF Bokhandlen and a trophy (plus a little something extra :D)
The Overall winners will receive a gift card to SF Bokhandlen and a trophy (plus a little something extra :D)
The amount of the gift cards, "little something extra" and what kind of trophy are a secret until the closing ceremony.
Note: this game jam page is private, meaning those signed up and have a link can see it. It will be made public access at the end of the jam.
SKIP, which stands for "The student Association for Knowledge in Informatics and Programming", is a vibrant community dedicated to enriching the academic and social experiences of students at the IT faculty of Gothenburg University.
SKIP was founded in 1989 by a group of System Science students at the IT Faculty of the University of Gothenburg. Our mission is to offer students opportunities to socialize with people from different programs as a way to create an informal learning environment, where knowledge in IT can be shared.
The primary objective of SKIP is to deliver events that enhance the study experience of students within Göta Studentkår. By organizing diverse, engaging, and impactful events, SKIP aims to create a vibrant and supportive student community, where academic and personal growth are fostered.
SKIP sponsors the snacks and faculty.
Chalmers University sponsors the host of the jam and prizes.
Göteborg University sponsors the location and rooms available.
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