Missed the deadline? No worries - send manarampmatt@gmail.com the links to your itch page and I'll add them to the jam on the back end! Just because you missed the deadline doesn't mean you shouldn't publish your work... WE WANT TO SEE IT!
Also, feel free to submit incomplete works as WIP itch.io pages and edit the files as you go...
The Adventures Continue
A sword-and-whiskers pamphlet adventure jam
Please read through this whole page to get the full scope of this Game Jam. It is for Mausritter and it has specific requirements. Thank you!
-Mausritter Game Jam Team
The Adventures Continue is a Pamphlet Adventure Game Jam for Mausritter. The Mausritter Third-party community has created over 850+ supplements and we are only just getting started! This Game Jam seeks to add an abundance of adventure sites to the ever-growing library of content.
For The Adventures Continue Game Jam creators will be asked to create A5 Trifold Pamphlets containing an Adventure Site, some creatures, traps, treasures, and more. The design follows in the footsteps of Mausritter’s official adventure collection, The Estate. For creators not wanting to create an adventure site, no worries - we would love a couple A5 spread (A4 one-page) settlements much like Stumpsville in the official Mausritter book. Example pictures of both of these will be provided on this landing page.
Submission Requirements
- All submission MUST be either an A5 Trifold Pamphlet (210mm x 444mm, see linked template) -OR- an A5 spread (210mm x 296mm, see example photos)
- A5 Trifold Pamphlets should be adventure sites for use with Mausritter. Use either the online Mausritter adventure site generator or follow the link in the resources to Isaac William’s adventure site design principles.
- A5 Trifold Pamphlets can be black & white, full color, and anything in between. For those using lots of color, consider making a print-friendly version as well.
- A5 Trifold Pamphlets do not require, but it is highly recommended, creating a digital friendly booklet version too (see Brian Stauffer’s template attached)
- A5 Spread (one page (A4)) submissions should only be settlements; like those pictured in the examples.
- A5 Spread Settlements can be mouse settlements, feel free to use the official Mausritter settlement generator online to aid (this is not required).
- A5 Spread Settlements do not need to only be mouse settlements, introduce a Frog Fortress, a Shrew City, a Termite Colony, etc. Just follow the same page requirements
- A5 Spread Settlements can be black & white, full color, and anything in between. For those using lots of color, consider making a print-friendly version as well.
- For all submissions PLEASE use margins and bleed. For bleed use 3mm (0.125in). For page margins keep all important text inside 8mm (0.33in) from all edges or fold lines.
- Absolutely not AI Art, please!
- There is no font or art style requirement. HAVE FUN and GO WILD!
All of these adventure sites will be compiled into a Setting Guide that will loosely connect all the sites and settlements into a cohesive campaign setting. Provided here is the hexcrawl map of the region. Feel free to use as a flavor guide or directly reference a specific hex your site is in.

At the end of the Game Jam we will host a bundle where folks can purchase all the submissions together and all the creators will get paid for their work! Super excited for this! There is also a chance that some (or all) these adventures will make their way into print and be available as a boxed set (we will reach out to individual creators if and when the time comes).
All submissions will be added to the Mausritter Library.
Please feel free to share your project’s progress and final work on the official Mausritter Discord, in the channel title #more-maursitter-the-adventures-continue -ALSO- please share on any and all social media using #MoreMausritter and #AdventurousMice
- Can I submit something I’ve already created? Yes, if it meets the requirements. However, this jam is attempting to spur on new Mausritter content - so push yourself to make something new.
- Is this only for English language submissions? NO, we want submissions from those in all regions and languages!
- Can I sell my product? YES! You should too.
- Can I create a bestiary, magic items, or factions and submit those? Well No, at least not as their own supplement - BUT yes, if you include them as part of your A5 Trifold Pamphlet Adventure Site or A5 Spread Settlement.
- I’m not an artist can I still join? Absolutely yes! There are many great libraries online full of public domain art. Also, the Mausritter community is full of artists who you can commission or would just do the art for you for fun! Just please, and we are serious about this - don’t use AI art!
- Do I have to use the layout/margins provided? Yes please - it makes print much easier.
- How do I/should I use the Mausritter Third-party Lisence? Yes you should! You can get it and the “Compatible with Mausritter Logo here: https://mausritter.com/third-party-licence/
- What happens if my submission does not meet the guidelines and requirements? It will be removed from the Game Jam but will still be added to the Mausritter Library and promoted/shared in the Mausritter community. We want you to create, this jam has specifics but others do not.
- I’ve got more specific questions, who should I reach out to? Feel free to email me at manarampmatt@gmail.com or message me on Twitter at @manrampmatt or you can find me on the official Mausritter Discord
The Adventures Continue Mausritter Game Jam Resources:
- If you use Affinity, Brian Stauffer has this amazing template for A5 Trifold Pamphlets that also will create a digital booklet version too: https://brstf.itch.io/a5-pamphlet-affinity-template
- If you use Canva, Hugh Lashbrooke made this wonderful template for A5 Trifold Pamphlets: https://hlashbrooke.itch.io/a5-trifold-pamphlet-template-in-canva
- Those not using Affinity follow these set-up principles for your A5 Trifold Pamphlets
- Final product will be 6 A5 (210mm x 148mm) Panels
- Final, laid flat, product should be 210mm x 444mm (don’t forget to add bleed)
- Here is what a complete A5 Trifold Pamphlet looks like:

- Here is what a complete A5 Spread Settlement looks like:

What is Mausritter?
Mausritter is a rules-lite fantasy adventure game in which players will take take up the sword and don the whiskers of brave mouse adventurers in a huge and dangerous world.
- Brutally fast, equally flavourful character creation gets you playing your mouse adventurer as quickly as possible.
- Physical card-based inventory system minimises bookkeeping and maximises hard choices.
- Dangerous and evocative magic system with 15 spells to find and cast.
- Generous toolbox of resources provides the Game Master with plenty of support to create their own mouse-scale sandbox adventures.
For anything and everything Mausritter - visit mausritter.com
Want more Mausritter Game Jams?
We do too! Stay tune, we’ll be hosting #MAUSVEMBER this November. This game jam will be an art prompt jam much link #swordtember #inktober and our friends over with Mork Borg - #MORKTOBER. We will also host a game jam for the third party Mausritter skirmish game Warband: Sword-and-whiskers wargaming. That jam will be later this year as well!