This jam is now over. It ran from 2025-01-06 17:00:00 to 2025-01-21 01:00:00. View 32 entries
Welcome to the Meat Mania Horror Game Jam from Strange Creature Games and HORRORVISUALS, and sponsored by Critical Reflex! The theme will be announced when the jam begins. Read below for more info about the jam and the $185 prizepool!
It's time to let the creative juices flow out from that head of yours...
Your job is to make a horror game in 2 weeks themed around meat cleaving mania of all kinds, from frenzied butchers, demonic meat creatures and sinister sausage parties-whatever you do, keep it meaty.
Some flavor...
It's late in the evening and you've had a rough day. You're walking home now, it's starting to get late though. You hear rustling of a bush but when you look over your shoulder there's nothing to be seen.
As you continue your walk you feel as if something is looking at you from afar. Picking up your pace, you feel a shiver down your spine. Suddenly you feel a blunt object crack on the back of your skull, rattling your brain and knocking you unconscious.
You wake up hanging upside down, your feet bound by chains attached to the ceiling. Around you are several large hunks of meat. The hiss and grind of a saw and chopping of a meat cleaver can be heard from the room over…
The Meat Mania Game Jam will begin on January 6th (12 PM EST) and will end January 20th (6 PM EST). The winners will be announced shortly after a 2-week judging period.
The top 3 rated jam entries will receive prizes sponsored by Critical Reflex!
First Place will receive a $100 Steam Gift Card
Second Place will receive a $50 Steam Gift Card
Third Place will receive a $25 Steam Gift Card
Fourth Place will receive a $10 Steam Gift Card
1. Work on a game within the time constraints of the 2-week jam period and submit it to this jam and no other game jams.
2. We encourage you to use assets that you have either created yourself (or team) within the jam period or have obtained the rights to use. Assets created outside the jam must be credited on your jam entry page.
3. Do not use generative A.I. to make assets for your game. Obvious A.I. games will be disqualified.
4. Teams will be limited to no more than 4 members, and all participating members must be included on your entry page.
5. This is a horror-themed game jam, so try to make a horror game! However, please do not include any inappropriate references or overly explicit imagery in your jam entry.
6. You must be at least 18 years old in order to receive prizes.
Find more horror fans, look for team members, and talk with fellow game devs in the Strange Creature Discord!
Additionally, you can also find many more fans of horror and video games over at the Critical Reflex Discord!
If you post about the jam on Twitter be sure to use our hashtag #SCGMeatManiaJam!
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