Making games is fun (if you know how to) but you know what is more fun? Making games about memes! Everyone is welcome to share their games and probably memes (in their games or whatever). You can still join without any game submission.
Here's the rules:
- Have fun while joined!
- No bad stuffs.
- If you are using other's asset/s for your game make sure to credit them or ask for their permission to use it.
- If you don't have sense of humor then have sense of humor (just joking).
- Make sure it has memes!
- It may be your fault if your game's meme doesn't get enough attention and not all get it or can relate to it, so make sure the meme you would use is popular or pretty funny.
- Limit the meme if the meme is quite offensive to some people , culture, religion, or etc. But all in all any memes are welcome and it is up to you how it would impact the audience.