This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-08-12 00:00:00 to 2023-08-18 00:00:00. View results

What kind of game is allowed?

This is a jam for first-person shooters that are playable on a desktop computer with a mouse and keyboard. Doom WADs are also accepted. Games that are a degree removed from the FPS genre but still play like an FPS (such as CS2D, Resident Evil 4, Elder Scrolls games...) are also allowed. Game genres that are often mistagged as FPS but have no relation (such as visual novels) are not allowed.

Games can be playable in a browser or downloadable. Please keep downloads under 500 MB.

Is there a theme?

Nope! The game can be about anything you want. That means you can also upload your previous work as long as it falls within the parameters outlined above.

Other info

• Voting is enabled but there are no prizes.
• Player discretion is advised.
• This is my first time hosting a jam. If it's a success, follow-up jams may continue at a regular cadence.


All submissions
Browser playable (1)
Windows (1)

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Navigate the City, Where Bullets Echo and Precision Reigns
Topdown shooter 2D-Zombies.
Play in browser