This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-01-21 00:00:00 to 2023-01-25 10:00:00. View results
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From meta fiction to meta games, we have seen too much. Laurence Sterne's The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman pioneered "meta", and then meta novels and meta games followed. Meta games are not just games about games but works of art.
When meta is added with game, it literally becomes a "game about games". That is to say, in the form of "games", as the carrier of expression, "what is a game?" "How does the game work?" "Why is the game like this and not like that?" Countless problems related to games can be called "games about games" when they describe facts, express opinions or trigger players to think.
When I'm talking about meta game, what am I talking about?
Taking DND as an example, suppose you are playing a soldier who has never seen Medusa and does not know her ability, but takes out a mirror to reflect her laser at the first time. This is a meta behavior.
For "Meta", if the system and characters in the game are aware of our existence, we high-dimensional creatures should be surprised, even a little afraid. Because game npcs and ruthless programs that we are used to ignoring are always observing our behavior and "controlling" our computers. We are led by computer programs and npcs. They broke through the fourth wall, which made us excited.
This is just an example. This jam aims to inspire game developers to develop more games that focus on meta elements, don't get stuck in one idea.
"Meta" is more than just breaking the wall.
At last, please pay more attention to the information in the community, where any changes will be presented.
Take your time and good luck!
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