This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-08-15 12:00:00 to 2021-09-15 13:00:00. View results

Hey developers,

I really like metroidvania games (in particular the Metroid ones), but I feel that it is hard to find good metroidvania games. So I challenge you to make a metroidvania game in a limit of time of 1 month. What's a metroidvania game?

Our cool Vania partners:


barrels | Bored Pixels Jam


1. Assets should all be made during the jam period. External assets can be used if you have the rights to and leave credit to the author when submitting in the "External assets" field. General purpose code, designing, bases and models, placeholders, and story can be made before the start of the jam.

2. Incomplete games are accepted, I would like to see them evolve if it's a project that you'll continue. So don't stress to make a complete game! But your submission should be playable.

3. Teaming is accepted.

4. The game needs to have a PG-13 rating or below.

5. Your game should be free! You understand that selling it will cut out your ratings. You can put it on a sale for the duration of the rating period and set it back to its normal price after that.

6. I'm accepting late entries until 24 hours after the end of the submission period. Uploads will also be unlocked, so if you have a bug fix to publish, do it during this time!

Optional theme: Hidden Truth

It is voted on two weeks before the jam (first week vote, second week pending), and the theme is announced on the start of the jam. You are free to use the theme or not, it is only for inspiration and won't affect your score.

Meet our mascots, stylized with the theme! Authors are, in respective order: LordPillowsDogtopiusmeOrangeCloud and barrels!


Games will be rated on these criterias:




Music and sounds


Everyone who submitted or contributed to a submission is able to rate. If you didn't, you can still leave a comment, every feedback is appreciated! Results are out one week after the end of the submission period.

Thanks to the generosity of Azecy, the winner will be able to choose a game in their catalogue, including Hotline Miami, Immortal Planet, and more! Winners will also get a role in the Discord server and a screenshot of their game behind the page!

barrelsBored Pixels Jam is our partner since MVM 3! If you are bored and like pixel art, this jam is for you! She challenges you to make a game in a week with the limitations of a theme and pixel art. Make sure to check it out!

Special thanks to Zahran Worrell for the banner and all the design tips and help!

Join the Discord server! A friendly and cozy community that can helps you with gamedev, provide you with feedback, and play your games! The place to go to make teams (special mention to artists, which are pretty rare on the server). The server doesn't become inactive between jams! Plenty of stuff to do: writing and drawing challenges, discussion on all sorts of subjects, like books, movies, even chess! Daily pies and stories provided by community members and memes to keep you entertained! Opened to everyone!

Hope to see you participate and I am impatient to see your games!

Previous jam


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Browser playable (13)
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Linux (7)

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Ghosts reside in this abandoned factory
A brave cowboy delves into a forgotten mine.. one that he should have left forgotten.
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Metroidvania Month 13 Jam entry
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A short Lovecraftian metroidvania.
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A Metroidvania game created as an exercise
Help Blue to escape a monster-infested forest!
Climate change destroys your planet, looking for another source of energy you end up on an alien world...
A platformer set in an ancient world that is still unknown to mankind
The Tomb Inspector's Guild needs you to inspect a tomb. Descend to the savage TOOM WORLD and seek your fate.
Transfer your consciousness between robots to escape the overrun lab!
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A Metroid vania game made for the Metroidvania Month 13 game jam.
2D Metroidvania
An dreamy 8-bit adventure
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A peaceful Metroidvania about finding and collecting gems.
Entry for Metroidvania Month 13!
Futuristic Metroidvania
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A game for the Metrioidvania XIII Game Jam
A game about slowly climbing through a cave and collecting treasure.
2D platformer game.
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A game made for Metroidvania Month 13 jam
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Short Platformer Demo
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The story of how an old wood-chopping robot entertained itself with puzzles for a short time.
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Metroidvania, Rashomon effect game
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A 2D Pixelart Metroidvania