This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-05-28 10:00:00 to 2023-06-07 10:00:00. View results

welcome to tacoland:
Start the jam dedicated to the beautiful country of mexico! land of tacos and incest!

take your creativity to the max by designing the aspects of life in mexico, its culture, its stereotypes, its food, its history and everything that makes up this country! introducing it in any genre, 2D or 3D environment, it doesn't matter! the important thing is to have fun and make friends along the way.

1. You are free to reuse any assets that you have made in the past, or use freeware or commercially available assets. This includes music, sound effects, models, Etc...

2. the game must be able to be tested by the jury so it must be uploaded for free to

3. you can start developing the jam even if the start date has not yet begun, i.e. you already have the theme, there should be no problem.

4.  you can form teams to create the game together

5. you can upload an unfinished game to the jam and then keep updating it over time

6. we suggest you to add warnings to the game if it has sensitive topics that may hurt the viewer's sensibility, we really ask you to do it... please

7. you will not be able to update your game once the jam starts!

8. xenophobia is allowed as long as the humor is not too strong.

9. you can't upload to the jam a game made before this one

what will be voted on and taken into account from the game:

Gamaplay. a core game is essential for a successful game that can transcend the jam and be a good game not only for the jam itself.

Music. the sound of the game and how well it fits into the atmosphere of the game is valued.

Artistic style. the game should be beautiful to look at and not make you want to cut your eyes out.

Theme. that also follows the objective of the jam, the game created is of the highest value! i.e. don't make me a game of colombia please

Fun. how fun it is to play the game

Originality. how unique is the game


you can tag me when promoting your games on twitter as @RiddlerHollow I'll be sure to retweet it ;)


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