This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-06-11 13:00:00 to 2022-06-25 13:00:00. View results

Welcome to the 1st Micro Jam!

The Micro Jam is a game jam made by me where there's a theme, a rule, and a restriction. The theme is pretty self-explanatory, so let's talk about what the rule is!

The rule is a rule the player follows during playing a game. For example, an adventure game with a "Limited Capacity" rule is a game where the player has limited capacity. It's up to you how you interpret the rule or the theme.

Theme: Only 3 colors! (Sorry for waiting to long to reveal it)

I will announce the theme and the rule up to one hour before the jam starts. Though, the limitation of this Micro jam is (drumroll please)...

One screen of code!

What do I mean by that? Well, I mean that the size of the entire code that runs the game itself must be a maximum of 16.2 KB in size. For example, if you made a JS game, there would be no restrictions on the HTML, CSS, etc. but only JS because that's the core of the game. Also, you can use any library you want, because I'll not count the space they occupy. Also, the name "One screen of code" is because if you assign each character in a 1920x1080 display divided into 8x8 characters to a nibble (2 nibbles = a byte), you get the size I listed here.


  • Please no NSFW in any capacity.
  • You can use small snippets of code made before the jam, for example, a custom encryption function, but you should write all of the game's core code when the jam is in progress. You can verify this by putting the source code of the game on the page of the game itself, but feel free to ask in the Community section if you want to use an alternate method.
  • The game must be able to run on both Linux and Windows.


  • Can I submit more than one game? Yes, you can. But please just focus on quality more than quantity.
  • Can I make changes during the rating period? Yes, but make sure the original version of the game you submitted is still available. It doesn't need to be in a separate download than all the other versions, but at least put it in a ZIP file containing all the older versions of the game.
  • What engines do I use? You can use any engine you want, as long as it supports exporting to Linux.
  • What about assets? Do they count for the size limit? No, they don't.

Rating criteria

  • Code compactness - How compact your code is (How small you were able to make your code)
  • Fun - How fun your game is to play.
  • Art - How good do the graphics of your game look.
  • Sound - How good was the music of your game.
  • Gameplay - How advanced your game mechanics are.
  • Overall - Self-explanatory.


All submissions
Windows (2)
macOS (1)
Linux (2)

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This is a endless jumper i made all script files are 1 kb in size. This was made for the Micro Game Jam
An entry to Micro JAM #1