This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-01-13 14:00:00 to 2024-01-15 14:50:00. View results


Micro Jam is a 48-hour-long video game development jam held weekly on It is a place where no matter where you are in your video game development journey you are, great games can be created with our creative themes.

Themes are released upon the Jam being published, however a requirement will be released once the submission date is reached. This is a requirement regarding the theme, colours, storyline, game style, etc to spice up the submissions. You can plan ahead to what game you are going to create, but once the requirement is released, you may have to change your idea.

This Jam's theme is SCI-FI. Keep in mind that the theme is open to everyone's interpretation, so do not be concerned about your video game idea.

Discord server:


A requirement is a special condition that your game must follow, but is open to interpretation.

The requirement will be released once the Jam starts. This week’s is: [2D!]

This means that you have to make the game in 2 dimensions. Good luck and have fun! Please also join the discord for updates and to join the Micro Jam community.


Your submission will be ranked on these 6 criterion:

1. Enjoyment - How fun was it while playing your game?

2. Presentation - How well is the game shown/given to the user? Are the graphics intriguing?

3. Concept - How creative is the plot? Is it original? Are there interesting storylines/levels?

4. Use of theme - How well is the theme of the Jam incorporated in your game?

5. Use of requirement - Does your game properly use the requirement given?

6. Controls - Does the game function properly? Are the controls tight and responsive?


1. Keep the game content clean

2. Only make games within the given 48-hour time period - we do check!

3. Keep the game content in English for user purposes


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Browser playable (4)
Windows (3)
macOS (1)
Linux (2)

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WASD to run, Esc to escape.
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Shoot-em up made in 48 hours
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A mining game set in a fascist dystopia
U havv€ gl1itched Scre3n
cat mice and cheese
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This is a submission for Micro Jam #1, Press Space to start the round and click and drag to make your paddle!
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